Global Experts Weigh in On Australia’s ‘Six Cyber Shields’ – Sharing Insights on Achieving a Safe Digital World

作者: 杰希拉, ISACA悉尼分会董事
发表日期: 2024年1月31日

对于澳大利亚的网络安全专业人士来说,这是一个激动人心的时刻. We have caught the attention of our global colleagues with our ambitious goal of becoming a global leader in cybersecurity by 2030, 用我们的六个网络盾牌战略来保卫我们的国家.

The recent investment of A$5 billion by Microsoft to help Australia protect against and capitalize on opportunities presented by artificial intelligence has brightened the spotlight on our sector even further.

而网络安全——以及实现数字弹性——是澳大利亚政府的重中之重, we wanted to learn what our global colleagues consider to be the best strategies and ideas to create a safer digital planet in 2024 and beyond.

澳大利亚的做法与他们自己的优先事项和信仰一致吗? 他们与我们的六个护盾中哪一个最能产生共鸣?

在广阔的视野中, 我们将在这篇博文中分享, there is widespread agreement that the six shields underpinning the government’s digital trust strategy are a smart approach, providing structure around what is a relatively young and growing sector compared to other parts of the world.

There is strong alignment between Australia’s plan and the initiatives global cybersecurity leaders would like to see implemented in their corner of the world, 特别是那些关注意识和教育的项目, 使我们的公民能够更好地保护自己.


政府将在未来几个月公布每个防护罩的更多细节, 我们知道他们主要关注以下几个方面:

盾1 是提高公民和澳门赌场官方下载的网络安全意识, increasing understanding of cyberthreats and the actions they can take to protect themselves to enable quick recovery following a breach.

盾2 是否会为产品的数字安全设定最低网络安全标准, 要求从一开始就将最佳安全性嵌入到开发中. This shield will increase consumer and corporate confidence that when a digital product is purchased in Australia, 使用起来很安全.

盾3 提议交换, 实时地, 政府和澳门赌场官方下载之间的世界级威胁情报共享, 使威胁能够在对澳大利亚澳门赌场官方下载和公民造成伤害之前被阻止.

盾4 重点保护关键基础设施和建设可靠的服务,包括水, 能源和医疗保健.

盾5 会看到主权能力的提升吗, 重点是建立一个“蓬勃发展的网络生态系统”,并具备适当的网络技能. 它将专注于建设网络劳动力, 确保这对年轻人来说是一个理想的职业.

盾6 will build a resilient region that recognizes that we are stronger when working in partnership with our neighbors to combat global cyberthreats. Australia will focus on enhancing global partnerships and support countries in our region that struggle with weaker cybersecurity controls.


API安全专家, 人才开发, 国际演说家, 性别共融倡导者, 2023年世界网络安全女性, 2021年奥巴马基金会非洲领导人奖学金

的信心, 谁热衷于确保网络安全是现在和未来的理想职业, 屏蔽5共振. 信心重视早期教育,并为初级毕业生提供更多的学徒机会. Financial incentives for organizations to foster diversity is also an initiative Confidence would like to see come to fruition to boost digital safety across the globe.

“在我们努力保护公民和组织数据安全的同时, 全面的方法是关键, 处理人员, 招聘, 培训和教育. 

“说到教育, 从小培养对技术和数字安全的兴趣是至关重要的. 网络安全的多样性不仅是一种选择,而且是必要的. There are a number of initiatives government departments and education bodies could implement at a national level, 包括学校和大学的网络安全挑战或竞赛, 及早培养天赋和好奇心.

“I am also a strong believer in cybersecurity modules being introduced into school curriculums to educate students about digital safety, 但也要有长远的眼光,以激发人们的兴趣,提振一个资源不足的行业.

“This could lead to the creation of talent incubators in schools to help interested students expand their knowledge, 导致初级毕业生接受学徒制.

“推动创新的网络解决方案依赖于一个多元化和包容性的团队. One way to encourage organizations to boost diversity and demonstrate inclusion is to provide tax incentives for those organzsations actively expanding representation and inclusion in their cyber workforce. We know better informed research and the development of new cyber technology is the result of varying perspectives and thought processes, 因此,通过财务激励来帮助组织实现这一目标是一项可靠的投资.

随着澳大利亚政府实施新的网络战略, I think it’s important to recognize the commitment and investment required of organizations to adhere to new regulations, 这可以通过认证来实现. 这将提高组织在关键利益相关者中的声誉和可信度, 是客户, 供应商及员工, 而且还能帮助客户确定他们觉得安全的合作伙伴.”

Alexandra Mercz,新加坡
创始人和前幕僚长, 全球银行业经验, fintech, 消费品, 国际CISO和COO, 为科技领域的女性争光

Reflecting on what is needed to help combat malicious actors and improve resilience of the cybersecurity industry globally, 亚历山德拉特别赞同澳大利亚的六盾方案, 盾牌1, 3, 5和6,重点是意识, 培训, 合作与教育.

“公众拥有支持网络安全专家的巨大力量, 通过提高自己的个人安全,知道何时以及如何报告可疑活动. 全国性的网络安全教育和意识计划是实现长期数字安全不可或缺的一部分. 这包括将模块整合到学校课程中, 开展澳门赌场官方下载培训和公众意识宣传活动.

“我们在一起会更强大, so exploring the potential for industry leaders to partner with citizens and small to medium size businesses offers many benefits. Offering free or subsidized access to premium cybersecurity tools ensures that every citizen and small business, 无论他们的技术水平或预算如何, 有办法装备自己吗.

“增加全球网络安全人员的规模, 在保证真实表现的同时, 迫在眉睫的. 网络安全奖学金很重要, 赞助, 向人求教, 增长机会在所有人口中公平分配, 包括代表性不足的群体. We must continue to work with organizations focused on promoting underrepresented groups—including Women in 网络安全 (WiCyS) and One In Tech-确保课程量身定制,以支持和吸引各种网络专业人士.

“澳大利亚的盾3专注于提供实时分析的先进威胁情报平台. 在这, I believe we must leverage Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks for ultra-secure communications between critical national infrastructures. 可以结合使用先进的人工智能建模, 例如神经网络时间序列预测, 以及来自国际刑警组织网络犯罪局等机构的实时全球威胁情报关联.

“最终, a strong solution to create a digitally safe planet is for nations to collectively address challenges across national borders, 正如澳大利亚在《澳门赌场官方软件》中概述的那样. 我支持在联合国等平台上建立一个“全球网络安全协议”, 成员国在哪些方面承诺共同防御网络威胁, 类似于北约的共同防御原则. This would include not just sharing intelligence but also collaborating on research and development for cybersecurity solutions, 建立全球防御共同威胁的盾牌.”

Dr. Carrine 销量,马来西亚
方案, 债券持有, 南大马来西亚校友会副总裁, 马来西亚女性从事安保工作, 2021年东盟网络安全女性30强

为博士. 销量, 情报共享和为公民和澳门赌场官方下载建立清晰的报告渠道是当务之急.

“共享信息和全球趋势是打击恶意行为者的关键. 对我来说, 护盾3号和护盾6号协同工作, as cross-border partnerships will naturally encourage sharing of information and global perspectives will assist local cybercrime investigations.

“如果确实发生了违规行为,公民和澳门赌场官方下载需要明确的报告渠道. This is becoming even more important as authorities adapt and increase regulations in the sector in response to an increase in attacks. 我知道许多市民和小澳门赌场官方下载感到无助,不知道下一步该怎么走, 以及他们的责任, 一旦违约发生.

“我们都在努力应对一个资源不足的行业, 教育需要更多的榜样, 鼓励并向年轻一代展示网络安全角色的实际含义. Common misconceptions must be put to rest as we show the wide-reaching facets of our industry and excite graduates about the rewarding and challenging career that awaits.”

来自全球专家的见解增强了我们对行业未来的乐观态度. 虽然我们在地理上是分开的, there is alignment in our cybersecurity approach and similar emphasis on key areas that can drive real change, 比如教育, 培训和公众意识.

If there was ever a time for students or IT professionals from across the globe to consider a pathway into cybersecurity in Australia or anywhere in the world, 应该是现在. 随着澳门赌场官方下载希望复制和遵守政府的政策,需求也在不断增长, 我们需要一个熟练的, 多元化和积极的部门推动这一进程.
